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National Security Advisor Conference

May 31, 2024
Congress Centre Davos

What is the goal of this conference?

By hosting this conference, Switzerland is helping to support discussions for lasting peace in Ukraine.

Following the URC 2022 in Lugano, at which the political reconstruction process was launched on a broad basis, Switzerland is now organizing another important conference in Davos: under the leadership of Federal Councillor Cassis, the first stage of the Ukrainian peace formula should be completed.


National Security Advisor Conference

The peace formula was launched by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of 2022 and formulates various principles for lasting peace in Ukraine. These include punishing aggression, protecting lives and restoring Ukraine's security and territorial integrity. Switzerland welcomes the initiative in principle, as it does any project that can serve as a basis for a negotiation process leading to lasting peace.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will open the meeting of National Security Advisors in Davos. Ambassador Gabriel Lüchinger, Head of the FDFA's International Security Division, will lead the Swiss delegation to the substantive talks at security advisor level.

Why is the conference taking place in Switzerland?

Switzerland regularly hosts negotiations or acts as a mediator for talks and meetings.

With this in mind, Ukraine has asked Switzerland to host the next NSA conference. Switzerland is thus continuing its cooperation in shaping future perspectives for Ukraine. With the WEF taking place shortly afterwards, there are promising synergies to enable the broadest possible participation of many countries.

Around 120 countries will be invited to the conference at National Security Advisor level. The definitive list of participants will not be known until very shortly before the conference.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will represent Switzerland on site and open the conference. The substantive discussions will take place at National Security Advisor level. The Swiss delegation will be headed by Ambassador Gabriel Lüchinger, Head of the EDA's International Security Division.


May 31
Opening remarks

Join us for the opening of the National Security Advisor Conference 2024 with a welcome note by Gabriel Lüchinger.

Gabriel Lüchinger
On the principles for lasting peace in Ukraine

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will open the meeting of National Security Advisors in Davos. Ambassador Gabriel Lüchinger, Head of the FDFA's International Security Division, will lead the Swiss delegation at the substantive talks at security advisor level.

Ignazio Cassis
Coffee break

Enjoy a break and get refreshed with foods and drinks.

Helping to shape future perspectives for Ukraine
Lunch break

Join us for lunch at the restaurant "Lonely Broccoli", located in the hotel.

Online Workshop 1
Onsite Workshop 2
Onsite Workshop 1
Online Workshop 2
Coffee break

Enjoy a break and get refreshed with foods and drinks.

Conclusion of the 1st stage of the Ukrainian peace formula
Ignazio Cassis, Gabriel Lüchinger
Closing remarks

Bernd Montag closes the day with a summary of the discussions and call to actions.

Gabriel Lüchinger
Transfer to networking dinner location

Join us at the foyer of the conference area from 6 p.m. for complimentary transportation to our dinner location Upside East. The last bus will leave at 6:40 p.m.

Networking Dinner at Upside East

We are happy to welcome you to our evening event at the Upside East in Munich.


Ignazio Cassis
Federal Council

Ignazio Cassis (FDP), elected by the United Federal Assembly on 20 September 2017, took up his post as head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) on 1 November 2017.

Gabriel Lüchinger
Head of the International Security Division at the EDA

Currently a personal assistant and political and diplomatic advisor to Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin at the WBF in Bern, he has been awarded the title of ambassador for his new role as Head of the International Security Division at the State Secretariat of the EDA in Bern.


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Schaffhauserstrasse 110, Bülach
8180 Bülach


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